Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Ines

    I know its been a while since i have written back to you....I reach home from trinidad and tobago and i am enjoying my ride....Its running very smooth just like a super hero....Thank you so much ines for your time and patients. And i will continue to do business with u picknbuy.

    Please see attach of photo of my vehicle.

    BahamasDonella Mackey from , Bahamas
    Dear Ms. Donella Mackey,

    Thank you very much for taking your time and providing me the pictures.

    I am glad to know the car is still running smoothly.

    I hope you can enjoy the ride for a long time.

  • Dear Aki

    I hope you're good health

    the car i bought for my wife is in good condition, the car walked 1600km of maputo a tete, tested at all speeds without any problem.

    MozambiqueMateus Silio Dias from , Mozambique
    Dear Mr.Mateus,

    Thank you very much for your good photo and good comment to us!!
    Please use the car with safe drive!!

    In the future, If you need another car.
    Please remember us

    We continuously supply you good condition cars to you.
    Also if you have any friends who are looking for import Japanese cars with high quality like you.
    Please let us know!!

  • Dear Aki

    Hi all, my car arrived last week and was successfully cleared by a customs agent yesterday. I was so glad to see my car comes in a very good condition.
    That's really great. I am a new customer but the service that picknbuy24.Com provide is really wonderful. I am looking forward to go back to them in a nearer future. Thank you so much picknbuy24.Com.

    Papua New GuineaSteven Boping from , Papua New Guinea
    Dear Mr.Steven,

    Thank you very much for your good photo and good comment to us!!
    Please use the car long time!!
    And please advertise our company to your friends!!
    We keep provide good condition cars to you!!

    Thank you very much!!

  • Dear Ines

    Bom dia ines. Votos de bom domingo. Me perdoe. Andei viajando nestes dias. Veja que vivo a cerca de 500 km de maputo. Olha, eu recebi o carro em muito boas condicoes que me deixa satisfeito. O carro chegou em maputo no dia 11 de novembro bronze e no dia 11 tirei o carro do porto. Ai vao as imagens.

    MozambiquePedro Rafael from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Pedro Rafael.

    Agradeco o envio das fotos.

    E um prazer poder constatar que a viatura se encontra em muito boas condicoes!

    Esta muito brilhante.

    Mais uma vez agradeco a sua compra e a confianca que deposita em nos.

    Boa conducao!

  • Dear Naka

    Hi how are you, i am fine, sorry for the late reply, i bought this car for my husband, oh man he really loved the car, very good condition, runs smoothly everythings perfect.
    Thank you so much for everything, i am planning to buy my own car in the future.

    PalauJoren Inglong from , Palau
    HI Ms. Joren Inglong

    Thank you very much for your update and nice photo !
    It is very nice location and view !

    We will continuously improve our quality of car and service.
    So please keep in touch !

    if you need any support in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    I will support you with my best !
