Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Ines

    Fico grato pela sinceridade da equipe de picknbuy24.Com, o meu carro esta em optimas condicoes e conselho a todos que queiram comprar viaturas a optar por eles porque nao vai se arepender.

    MozambiqueAlberto Gerente Alciano Pene Alciano from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Alberto Pene,

    Agradeco o envio das fotografias!

    Agora e o proprietario orgulhoso de um RUNX, um dos carros com mais procura para Mocambique!

    Boa conducao a bordo do mesmo.

  • Dear Aki

    Thank you so much for the perfect services which i encountered from those
    past weeks. I am finally enjoying riding my car. I mistakenly thought the
    size of my car is small, but when i first saw it, it was not my expectation.
    It is much bigger then what i expect. I am very happy to see it as well as
    riding it. Keep up the good
    services. I am now advertising and looking forward to meet more customers
    so that they can purchase best cars from you.

    MicronesiaTelsin Kephas from , Micronesia
    Hello Mr.Telsin!!!!

    This is very nice comment for me!!!
    I think you have satisfied our car quality and service. Right??

    Firstly I want use this comment on our website.
    Is it OK??

  • Dear Ines

    Aqui esta tudo bem.
    Recebi a viatura , ela ja esta nas minhas maos desde dia 17 de marco.
    Obrigado por tudo, espero em breve fazer novas encomendas.

    MozambiqueMateus Armando Massingue from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Mateus Massingue,

    Muito obrigada pela sua fotografia e pelas novidades!

    Foi um prazer ver a maquina em questao e saber que chegou bem e nas condicoes prometidas.

    E sempre bem-vindo na nossa loja.

    Volte sempre!

    Ate la, boa conducao!

  • Dear Naka

    Venho informar que recebi o meu carro 14734 bluebird sylp2h00y1 11 qg10 - 100267 nissan em perfeitas condicoes e espero brevemente encomendar outro carro para minha esposa. Tambem vou influenciar aos meus amigos interessados para comprarem os carros na vossa empresa.
    Contem sempre comigo e muito obrigado.

    MozambiqueTome Antonio Chundiza from , Mozambique
    Dear Mr. Tome Antonio Chundiza

    Thank you very much for your updates.
    I am very happy to hear that you have received the car in good condition !

    This Nissan BLUEBIRD SYLPHY you purchased is low mileage and the condition is very good.
    So please enjoy driving !!

  • Dear Aki

    Thank you so much for the perfect services which i encountered from those past weeks. I am finally enjoying riding my car. I mistakenly thought the size of my car is small, but when i first saw it, it was not my expectation. It is much bigger then what i expect. I am very happy to see it as well as riding it. Keep up the good services. I am now advertising and looking forward to meet more customers so that they can purchase best cars from you.

    MicronesiaTelsin Kephas from , Micronesia
    Hello Mr.Telsin!!!!

    This is very nice comment for me!!!
    I think you have satisfied our car quality and service. Right??

  • Dear Naka

    This is our happiness

    ZambiaBranca Victor from , Zambia
    Dear Mrs. Branca Victor

    Thank you very much for your photos.
    I am also happy to hear that you have received the vehicle in good condition and were satisfied with it.

    This Mitsubishi OUTLANDER is NEW Real SUV model from Mitsubishi, and very popular in Japan recently !
    Please enjoy and let me know if you have any inquiries !

  • Dear Kazuya

    Thank you very much for all. My car reached in good condition and i'm very pleasure for that, i and my family we congratulate the picknbuy24.Com company and all team for supporting.
    I recommend people to prefer this company in case of need buying a dream vehicle.

    MozambiqueAbilio Domingos from , Mozambique
    Hi Mr. Abilio,

    Thank you very much for your kind reply, and really appreciate to hear from you!
    We will keep improving our service, and please do not hesitate to contact me
    if there are any special request or inquiries.

  • Dear Ines

    Ja recebi o carro.
    Obrigado por tudo
    assim que eu tiver outro valor pra comprar

    MozambiqueJustino Afonso Mutemba from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Justino Mutemba,

    Fico muito agradecida pelo seu email e por saber que esta tudo bem com o seu carro.

    Ja sabe que estarei aqui para ajudar na proxima compra.

  • Dear Aki

    Am much pleased to inform you about this spacio i purchased from your company that i find it pleasant, not only the services but even the good condition of the car. Please continue with some way, i know it will bring more customers as i direct my fellow zambians to you. Special regards to you. Thank you

    ZambiaHorn Mudenda from , Zambia
    Hello Mr,Horn!!!

    Thank you very much for your photos and comments for us!!
    Please give us the time.(likely one week) We will updates our customer's voice!!

    Please keeping touch us!!
    We are supply you every time good condition vehicles!!

  • Dear Naka

    Am mr jok wal thank i receive my vehicles they are in the good condition.
    And thank you very much

    South SudanJohn Gor from , South Sudan
    Hi Mr. Jok

    Thank you very much for your update and picture !!
    It is VERY Nice and I am also happy to hear that you have received the car in good condition !

    Honda INSPIRE AVANZARE you purchased is one of the most luxury sedan in Honda with powerful engine !
    Please enjoy driving !

  • Dear Ines

    Por este meio informo lhe que a viatura desembarcou no porto de maputo no dia 06/03/2014 e hoje dia 14 conseguimos tirar o carro, isto quero dizer, o carro chegou bem e completo, o meu muito obrigado.

    MozambiqueArtur Tauzene Nhambel from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Artur Tauzene Nhambel,

    Ainda bem que ja conseguiu desalfandegar o carro.

    Agora e mesmo aproveitar a conducao!

    Se quiser, temos todo o gosto em receber as suas fotos.

  • Dear Ines

    Nao tenho nenhuma reclamacao s/ o carro esta excelente e como eu quero, neste momento estou a minho de maputo para chimoio em minha casa.

    MozambiqueZano Francisco Custodio from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Zano Francisco Custodio,

    Fico feliz por saber que o carro corresponde as suas expectativas.

    Tenha uma boa conducao de volta ao Chimoio!

  • Dear Ines

    Queria informar que ja recebi o meu carro, estou muito feliz.

    MozambiqueAna Chaila Nhambio from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Ana Chaila,

    Fico contente por saber que ja recebeu o carro!

    Por acaso, lembrei-me de si ontem e ate estava curiosa para saber se o CRV ja tinha chegado.
    Por isso agradeco a sua mensagem!

    Boa conducao em familia!

  • Dear Ines

    Boa tarde, ja recebi o carro e corresponde com as expectativas, embora nao esteja a usar devido as chuvas que se fazem sentir. Obrigada

    MozambiqueInss from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Regina da Conceicao Novela,

    Agradeco a sua resposta e fico contente por saber que o carro se esta a comportar bem.

    Assim que o tempo ficar melhor, aproveite e boa conducao!

  • Dear Ines

    Thanks its my pleasure to read once from you. We travelled well from tanzania. I am driving and the bongo is in good condition.

    ZimbabweKumbirai Edmore Mavesere from , Zimbabwe
    Dear Mr. Kumbirai Edmore Mavesere,

    It's a pleasure to know you're driving the vehicle and that it is in good shape.

    Have a safe trip back to Zimbabwe!

  • Dear Ines

    Thanks you for your message but may i also take this opportunity to give you and the entire community of picknbuy thanks for the good car that i received last month. You remember my car was toyota mark ii grande and it takes so long to get it but now it is in my hand with its good white shining colour.
    Big up picknbuy!

    TanzaniaEvarist Chuwa from , Tanzania
    Dear Mr. Evarist Chuwa,

    I'm very glad to know the car has safely arrived in your hands!
    It was indeed a white shining color.
    It took some time but it was worth it.

    Enjoy a good and safe driving!

  • Dear Ines

    To muito satisfeito e agradeco a sua ajuda, recebi o carro ja tenho toda documentacao e to a andar com o carro. O carro e mesmo novo . Obrigado dn. Ines. Foi voce que me deo a total confianca na compra do honda domani

    MozambiqueLigio Joao Segredo Pente from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Ligio Joao Segredo Pente,

    Que espanto de foto! Muito obrigada pelo envio e pelas suas palavras!!

    Fico mesmo feliz por saber que a familia esta satisfeita com a compra e que o carro esta como novo.

    Obrigada pela sua confianca!

  • Dear Naka

    Thank you for your email. I am very pleased with the condition of my toyota axio. It's a joy to drive and very neat both interior and exterior. Thanks to you and jessica for the assistance and regular updates during the importation process.

    ZimbabweMalvern Jim from , Zimbabwe
    Dear Mr. Malvern Jim

    I am very happy and glad to hear that you have received it in good condition and you are satisfied with it !

    This COROLLA AXIO (Ref.14554) is one of the most latest vehicle and good economical car !
    So please enjoy driving

  • Dear Ines

    Foi com muita satisfacao que recebi o honda fit fornecido pela sua companhia. Estou bastante satisfeito com as condicoes do carro, quer mecanicas, quer o estado interior e dos acessorios (roda sobressalente, macaco e triangulo) depois de chegar ao porto de maputo viajei 1200 km em dois dias e nao tive nenhum problema ate hoje onde ja percorri cerca de 2000km.

    Obrigado pelo apoio e orientacoes que me foram dando no periodo da compra, foram muito prestativos na compra da viatura. Em anexo envio a minha foto com o carro.

    It was with great satisfaction that i received the honda fit provided by your company. I am very pleased with the condition of the car, whether mechanical or interior accessories and status (spare wheel, jack and triangle) after arriving at the port of maputo traveled 1200 km in two days and had no problems until today where it has already scoured about 2000km.

    Thanks for the support and guidance that were giving me the time of purchase, were very helpful in buying the car. In annex i send my photo with the car.

    MozambiqueMateus Fernandes from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Mateus Fernandes,

    Acuso a recepcao da fotografia e do seu email assim como me tinha prometido!

    Fico contente por saber que o carro esta em bom estado.

    Boa conducao a bordo do Honda Fit!

  • Dear Aki

    The toyota brevis is indeed a terrific car, it is in a very good condition and it looks like who ever was the owner must have been a very clean person. I have no regret fore purchasing this car from www.Picknbuy24.Com. The company sales cars that are in very good condition and that the cars are inspected before shipping is done to the customer. I invite other customer to try purchasing their cars from www.Picknbuy24.Com because this company sale quality cars, good condition and road worthy cars. Try it you will not be disappointed.

    ZambiaBernard Sentala from , Zambia
    Hello Mr.Bernard!!!

    Thank you very very much gave me new updated!!!
    I?EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEfm so glad to hear that!!
    I think you have got satisfied about our car quality and our service!!! Right??

    Please keeping touch to us!!
    We always supply good condition vehicles!!
