Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Aki

    Hi, iam sending my pic with the car.
    I want thanks you for the car, arrived well, without problems,
    is beautiful, and iam so glad, its my second car buying with you hope continue working with you.

    Thanks for your support picknbuy24

    MozambiqueRibeiro Cruz from , Mozambique
    Dear Mr.Ribeiro,

    This is Aki from

    Thank you very much for your kind reply!
    Also I believe you have satisfied the our car quality!!

    We always supply you only good condition vehicles.
    Please keeping touch!!
    Also if you have friends who are looking for import Japanese vehicles like you.
    Please please introduce to us!!

  • Dear Naka

    The quality is primer no complain i will ask other people to purchase your vehicles as well, thanks for your attention see attached pic's with the mazda mpv me and my wife isabel de sousa molima, it's very nice.

    MozambiqueBaptista Tsinine from , Mozambique

    Thank you so much for your E-mail and nice photos !
    I am happy to glad to hear that you were satisfied with car condition

    Please enjoy driving this nice MAZDA !

  • Dear Ines

    Sou fatima fernandes, sou da cidade de quelimane em mocambique, quero agradecer a seguranca e transparencia dos servicos da agencia picknbuy24 desde venda, transporte ate a entrega das viaturas. Eu estou muito satisfeita porque recebi o meu carro em boas condicoes.

    MozambiquePedro Araujo Quembo from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Fatima Fernandes
    Agradecemos imenso o envio das fotografias!

    Da para perceber que esta contente com a viatura.

    Ficamos felizes em saber.

    Desejamos um Bom Ano a bordo da maquina!

  • Dear Ines

    Hi ines the vehicle is very nice i love it

    Saint Kitts and NevisTalbert Clarke from , Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Dear Mr. Talbert Clarke

    Thank you very much for the picture as promised!

    You look awesome together with the car.

    Wish you a good year riding this beautiful car.

  • Dear Ines

    Bom dia. Aqui estou com a minha allion

    MozambiqueEvaristo Julio Manjate from , Mozambique
    Bom dia, Sr. Evaristo!

    Uma bela maquina, e verdade!

    Esperamos que seja muito confortavel e proporcione boa conducao.

  • Dear Ines

    Hi thanks i love it! Only wish i had a spare key :)

    BahamasZeth Francis from , Bahamas
    Dear Ms. Zeth Francis

    It?EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEfs a pleasure to know you are happy with the purchase!

    You two look astonishing!

    Wish you a nice driving and a Happy New Year!

  • Dear Ines

    Eu ja recebi o carro e estas em boas condicoes de uso e bonito e super confortavel.
    Obrigada mais uma vez pelos vossos servicos e espero uma proxima oportunidade pra compra de outra viatura.

    MozambiqueRachel Jamal from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Rachel Jamal
    Ficamos igualmente felizes em saber que a familia esta satisfeita com o carro e agradecemos o envio da fotografia.

    E sempre um prazer da minha parte receber a sua mensagem.

  • Dear Ines

    Exalto de alegria por receber a minha hilux surf em perfeitas conducoes, economico e fantastico, sento adrenalina estar nele.

    MozambiqueOctavio Joao Baptista from , Mozambique
    Bom dia, Sr. Octavio
    Mais uma vez e um prazer saber que o carro chegou bem e que acima de tudo da prazer em conduzir.

  • Dear Aki

    Aki pick n buy is fantastic. You deliver quality, exclusive and excellent vehicles in the shortest time. 1 Am very happy with my honda mobilio.

    ZambiaEvans Munyemba from , Zambia
    Dear Mr.Evans,

    This is Aki from

    Thank you very much for your comment to us!!
    I believe you have satisfied our car quality and service!!

  • Dear Ines

    I like this little car. I am 74 years old and usually backed up against hedges or trees when i drove bigger vehicles. With this little car, there's no problem. I wanted a toyota made because toyota auto parts are available on this island, and was not sure about datsun parts. But i remembered that throughout my life my favorite car was a little datsun pick-up truck. I bought it in 1983 and did a lot of heavy work with it but it never gave me any trouble. I hauled construction materials, lumber, cement, cement blocks, rocks, sand, and not once had a flat tire or had problem of starting it. I liked that little truck so much that one of my sons wrecked it, i cried. So datsun is my favorite brand because of that little truck, and i have owned and drove toyota sedans, isuzu pick-up truck, mitsubishi pick-up truck and korean made sedans, but i'll never forget my little datsun pick-up truck.

    MicronesiaDebra Laan from , Micronesia
    Dear Ms. Debra Laan

    Thank you very much for sharing the story of your auntie!

    It's always a pleasure to know the customer is happy with the purchase and that the car is going to be helpful to everyday life.

    I wish all the happiness to your family!

    May you have a blessed Happy New Year!
