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Dear Ines
I've already got a truck and it has a good condition that why i love it and the person own that truck has a happy drive now
so thank u very muchNaaree Ieremia from , Kiribati
Dear Mr. Naaree Ieremia,
Thank you very much for providing me the photos!
Now I can show to all the staff in the Stock Department.
I am sure they will be very happy.
Wish you a nice ride!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Ola dona ines, estou bem gracas a deus, finalmente ate aos dias 31 de dezembro recebi o meu carro tal como ele se apresentava, o vosso servico e excelente sobretudo ter cumprido com o tempo proposto, espero que continuem a servir a sociedade de forma amavel como me foi.Virgilio Antonio De Oliveira from , Mozambique
Caro Dr. Virgilio Antonio de Oliveira,
Agradeco a sua mensagem!
Fico feliz por saber que recebeu o carro e em boas condicoes!
Boa conducao!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Afternoon miss ines im verry happy my car and my car come in good condicion. Best regardsGersia Alberto Fatima De Languana from , Mozambique
Cara Sra Gersia Alberto,
Agradeco a sua simpatia em ter enviado a sua fotografia e a sua mensagem!
E um prazer conhece-la!
Desejo uma optima conducao a bordo da maquina!
Bom Ano de 2016!!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Thanks again to pickandbuy24 and mrs ines to make this possible. This is my second car and like the first one this is in perfect condition; like new.German Jesus Diaz Vargas from , Curacao
Dear Mr. German Diaz,
Thank you very much once more for the photo!
You never forget to send me.
I hope you can enjoy the car for a long time!
Everyone must be jealous of you now when you run in town with the new ride!
Here are the pics as promised.
Thank you very much for your photos!
I had checked the car myself on the yard and wanted it for myself hehe
Everyone will be jealous when you go to work tomorrow because no one in the island has a car like yours
It is unique.
Wish you a nice ride!