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Dear Ines
Thank you. I received the vehicle in good condition except for a minor (refer photo). The cover was not on and was found inside the vehicle.
Otherwise all is just the way i saw in the net. It was a good feeling driving it and would like to thank you and team for a successful process which i went through and trust to recommend your company to other friends who are looking to purchase vehicle overseas.
Refer my photo with my two daughters who were really excited to see our new vehicle.Christina Yaliki from , Papua New Guinea
Dear Ms. Christina Yaliki,
It is a pleasure to receive your photos and I am very happy to know your family is satisfied with the car.
I hope you all can enjoy the driving since the MAZDA TRIBUTE is a very good model!
Our Team thanks you for your preference.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Ola ja recebi a viatura e ela se econtra em boa condicao mecanica assim estou a espera da segunda que comprei para meu irmao.Ivan Felisberto Mussivane from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Ivan Mussivane,
Agradeco a sua gentileza!
Mais um pouco e chegara o carro do seu irmao!
Depois poderao fazer viagem os dois.
Agradeco a fotografia e a sua preferencia.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Please find attached the photo you requested with my car.
I was very pleased with the service and the condition of the vehicle.Dudley Francis from , Bahamas
Dear Mr. Dudley Francis
Wow! What an amazing view!
Thank you very much for providing me the picture!
I am glad to know you are pleased with the Nissan Teana.
It's the perfect car for such a beautiful landscape.
Wish you a nice and safe driving!
Ines -
Dear Aki
Hi aki the car is perfect,i love it its so niceOkwi Francis Yata from , Uganda
Dear Mr.Francis,
Thank you very much!!
I receive your photo!!
Finally I can see you!!
Ines, nao esta a perceber o quao estou feliz com a hilux surf, chegou em perfeitas condicoes e dentro das minhas espectativas, viajei com toda familia em todo terreno. E muito obrigado, koshukhuro, ndatenda kwene kwene.
Que belas fotografias! E um prazer conhecer toda a familia!
Mais uma vez fico contente por saber que estao satisfeitos com o carro.
E com certeza o modelo perfeito pois e resistente em qualquer terreno.
Por onde passe vai fazer inveja a toda a gente!