Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Ines

    Muito obrigado pelo vosso service gostei imenso do veiculo.

    MozambiqueJoao Godinho Saene from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Joao Godinho Saene,
    Agradeco a sua gentileza!

    Fico muito contente por receber as fotos e saber que esta feliz com o carro.

    Boa conducao!!

  • Dear Ines

    Boa tarde. Envio neste momento fotos que comprovam a recepcao da viatura. Demorei porqu a viatura estava na oficina para manutencao e pintura ( como se ve na fotos).

    MozambiqueLucio Papio from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Lucio Papio,

    Agradeco o envio das suas fotografias!

    E um prazer saber que o carro chegou bem.

    Infelizmente acontece por vezes algumas pecas serem roubadas no porto.

    Porem espero que apesar disso possa usufruir do carro!

  • Dear Ines

    Thank you so much for everything, i have recieved the car and i am satisfied with the purchase. I had one issue the panel in back of the drivers seat is broken so i have to find someone to fix it for me otherwise all os well.

    BahamasDenishka Mcintosh from , Bahamas
    Dear Ms. Denishka McIntosh
    It's a pleasure to know the car has already arrived and to receive your lovely pictures!

    Thank you very much!

    Wish you a nice ride!

  • Dear Aki

    Thank you for living to your word. The car is in good condition and beautiful, both in and outside.

    MalawiDavie Gobede from , Malawi
    Dear Mr.Davie,

    This is Aki from

    I'm so happy to hear that!!!
    I hope you have got satisfied!!

  • Dear Ines

    Ms. Ines the car is great and i love it thank you so much for all you have done to make sure i was fully satisfied with the car.

    BahamasSantonya Pratt from , Bahamas
    Dear Ms. Santonya Pratt,

    Thank you very much for your message especially since you are so busy.

    I hope the car has come to help in your daily life and your studies as well.

    We are very glad to have received your picture!
