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Dear Aki
Am happy our vehicles are already in mombasa and we are in process of clearing them out to our homes thanks alot hope to make more business with u.Okwi Francis Yata from , South Sudan
Dear Mr.Francis,
Thank you very much for your update with nice picture.
I am also happy to heat that you satisfied with car condition.
We will continuously supply you QUALITY used cars to you.
Please keep in touch.
Aki -
Dear Ines
Oi, ines, recebi o carro e estou desfrutando!Leonel Chipenete from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Leonel Manuel Chipenete,
Que lindo Rasheen! E sem duvida um belo carro muito util para a familia.
Gasta muito pouco combustivel e tem traccao as 4 rodas.
Melhor, acho dificil!
Ines -
Dear Ines
I shared a picture of me with the carTransportes Albano from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Albano Barreiros,
Agradeco o envio desta bela fotografia!
Grande carro, sem duvida nenhuma!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Boa tarde dona ines ai vai a minha foto e o carro abraco.Conceicao Ernesto Simango from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Conceicao Simango,
Agradeco o envio da foto!
Realmente o carro tem uma cor muito bonita!
Fico contente por saber que esta satisfeito com a compra.
Faca uma boa conducao e volte sempre!
I just want to say thank you for my vehicle (hr-v ....Code: 15202) which has finally arrived in rabaul on 10th and picked up at the wharf on the 11th july 2014.
It was a very excellent car. Everything was perfect and in very good condition. My family and i could not wait to enjoy its luxury.
My friends and others were surprised to see the reality of the stylish vehicle which i also promote buying vehicles from picknbuy (agasta company).
Find attached the photo of my baby daughter and i standing beside the car. Photo taken on the 12th july 2014.
Once again, thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your update with nice picture with your daughter!!
Wow!! She is very cute!!
I am also happy to heat that you satisfied with car condition.
If you don't mind, Please introduce to your friends!!
Please keep in touch.
We continuously supply you only good condition vehicle!!
Please have safety drive!!