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Dear Naka
Hello naka, attached you will a photo of me and one of the cars i purchased from you.Berkley Leslie Williams from , Bahamas
Dear Mr. Berkley Leslie Williams
Hello, how are you?
This is NAKA from
Thank you so much for your previous purchase and message with Picture.
I am glad to hear that you have received it in good condition.
We will try to improve our quality of service and vehicle, so please keep in touch.
Please enjoy driving this nice Honda ACCORD.
Naka -
Dear Aki
Thanks for being honest,the vehicle is so good.Dombo Emanuel Lumala Co Kibirango Robert from , Uganda
Dear Mr.Robert,
This is Aki from
Thank you very much for your kind reply and inform me!!
I believe you got satisfied about our car quality!!!
I'm so happy to hear that!!
Please keeping touch to our website
We always supply the vehicle good condition.
Aki -
Dear Aki
I would like to thank you with a great happiness, i received my car with the 8weeks as you said it everything
was intact it's a nice car i loved it everything is so good and in good condition. Its real you are the best. Its amazing to buy cars from picknbuy24.Com. For those who would love to buy cars picknbuy are the best please dont waste your time to go round just click to picknbuy24.ComMisheck Mkwananzi from , Zambia
Hello Mr. Misheck!!
How are you??
I hope you doing well!!! (^_^)v
This is Aki from
Thank you very much for your kind reply and inform us!!!
Actually I?EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEfm so happy to hear that!!!
I believe you have satisfied our car quality!!!
Aki -
Dear Ines
Recebi a viatura a dias atras. Estou muito grato por tudo, a viatura esta em boas condicoes.
Obrigado.Jaime Manuel Uapezo from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Jaime Jaime,
Que boas noticias!
E um prazer saber que o RUNX ja chegou e nas condicoes descritas.
Boa conducao a bordo da maquina!
Sempre mantenhemos em contacto para mais novidades . Mais uma vez "parabens" ao excelentissimo trabalho que tem vindo a fazer para mozambique e outros paises.
Agradeco muito as suas fotos que ilustram a sua felicidade e as boas condicoes do seu carro!
Fico tambem satisfeita.
Fique descansado pois manteremos sempre o contacto.
Agora aproveite e faca boas viagens a bordo da maquina!