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Dear Ines
Noah fully in my hands and pretty enjoyable. Delighted with the physical condition of the vehicle.
Thanks for your permanent follow up.Alberto Amaral from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Alberto Amaral,
Agradeco o seu feedback!
E muito bom saber que a viatura corresponde as suas expectativas.
Volte sempre a nossa loja!
Ines -
Dear Naka
Thanks for doing good business. I am happy with the car. It looks great.Kayongo Ndala from , Zambia
Hi Mr. Kayango
Thank you very much for the nice photo !
I am very glad to hear that the car is mechanically in good condition !
This SPRINTER is one of the most popular and economical car !
So please enjoy Driving !
Naka -
Dear Ines
The car has finally arrived and we were impressed with how neat it was.Gilbert Uzarama from , Zambia
Dear Mr. Gilbert Uzarama,
Thank you for sending me the photo!
The car is really impressive and it's still shinning!
Enjoy your driving.
You're always welcome on our store.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Recebi a viatura em perfaitas condicoes e ja paguei todas imposicoes aduaneiras e a a mesma ja esta a circular nas estradas mocambicanas.
Muito obrigado pela atencao prestada desde oinicio do processo. Espero voltar a solicitar alguns servicos.Samuel Alberto Manjate from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Samuel Alberto Manjate,
Muito obrigada pelo seu email!
Fico contente por saber que o carro ja chegou e esta em boas condicoes.
Boa conducao em familia.
Thanks very much for the condition of the vehicle i bought recently from your company.
The vehicle its in a good condition and it has been a good time doing business with you and i was not expecting it the way it came, because it was my first time to buy a vehicle and your company.
Picknbuy go go gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much for your update with nice picture !!
I am very happy to hear that you have received it in good condition !!
This is Sport Type vehicle with manul transmission, so please enjoy driving !
The rims you replaced are very good and look so nice !!