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Dear Ines
Am so happy with the services of picknbuy24 because the customer care has been wonderful through and through and what makes me more happy is that i got the exact specification of my car and exactly the way it appeared on the list. Everything was in place. Thanks again picknbuy24 and always remember you have an excellent reputation with me.Leonard Phiri from , Zambia
Dear Mr. Leonard Phiri,
I'm really glad to know the vehicle is in great shape and that you liked our services!
It's very reassuring to know that you are pleased with your purchase.
Enjoy your driving!
Ines -
Dear Ines
I am very thankful for your services and the high quality ,good condition with low mileage vehicles. I am one of the many who has benefited from your company and i am enjoying the long drive indeed !Peter Chisi from , Zambia
Dear Mr. Peter Chisi,
I'm very glad to know the vehicle is in good shape!
Thank you very much for sending me the pictures. It is indeed a good vehicle.
Enjoy your driving!
Ines -
Dear Ines
I recieved the hino ranger and i am very pleased with the condition of the vehicle.
I can't send the photo now because the vehicle is on the way to a faraway province +- 900km from maputo. I will do it
as soon it arrives.
Thank you for all suport.Super Express from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Ismael Aboo Gani,
Agradeco o seu email e fico contente por o Hino ranger estar nas melhores condicoes.
Espero que seja uma ferramenta util no seu dia a dia.
Aguardo o envio das fotos ansiosamente!
Ines -
Dear Naka
Please receive the picture of my toyota harrier and thanks alot the car its very nice and on nice condition.Vuyiswa Mahandzule from , Mozambique
Dear Ms. Vuyiswa Mahandzule
Thank you very much for your e-mail with pictures !
I am also happy to hear that you have received Toyota HARRIER in good condition.
This Toyota HARRIER (Ref.13259) is Luxury model !
So please enjoy driving !
Hope you will receive another car, Toyota ALTEZZA in good condition as well.
Tenho o prazer de vos confirmar a recepccao da viatura toyota vitz (yaris). Agradeco o profissionalismo da equipa do "picknbuy24", pelo envio pontual da viatura bem como de toda documentacao. A viatura chegou em optimas condicoes tais como as imagens documentavam. Praticamente nova. Superou minhas expectativas. Farei recomendacoes. Um abraco especial a ines pela paciencia demonstrada durante o processo de compra. Bom ano.
Muito obrigada pela sua fotografia!
Fico feliz por a viatura ter superado as suas expectativas! Assim realmente da gosto trabalhar deste lado tambem.
E nao tem que agradecer, eu e que agradeco a sua preferencia e a confianca que depositou em nos.
Boa conducao a bordo do VITZ!!