Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Aki

    Thank you very much for all you did to make me trust your business and later see the fruits of trusting you.
    Sorry i delayed to communicate but i received my vehicle in good condition. Thank you also for the nice and well fitting t-shirt ...
    I don?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeft know how you scored my size correct.
    Definitely picknbuy24.Com is the way to go.
    Am planning to buy some accessories for the vehicle thru your company.
    Thank you.

    UgandaJohnson Anguzo Okonya from , Uganda
  • Dear Ines

    Thank you very much, mrs ines for helping with the purchase of my vehicle. I'm already driving it.
    Best regards

    muito obrigado sr. Ines pela sua facilitacao durante o processo de compra da minha viatura. Ja estou a usar.

    MozambiqueFausto Saide from , Mozambique
  • Dear Ines

    I would like to thank you. I got the toyota corsa and it's so nice, i've been driving it?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecthanks a lot?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec

    linda em primeiro lugar para agradecer por tudo que fez por mim recebi o toyota corsa ta muito bom e ja estou a andar.... Obrigado mesmo?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec

    MozambiqueJustina Muluana from , Mozambique
  • Dear Naka

    My gratitude is even bigger since this honda cr v is in very good shape and with the sound system working fine. I picked the car at maputo?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefs port on the 22/10/2013 and i?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefve been driving it on the northeast of mozambique where i live and work. Thank you all pinckbuy24.Com?EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefs logistic team for your good services!

    A minha gratidao torna_se ainda maior quando noto esta honda cr v encontra_se em bom estado de conservacao e com todos os aparelhos de som em pleno funcionamento.
    Levantei o carro no dia 22/10/2013, no porto de maputo e ja o guio no nordeste de mozambique onde vivo e trabalho.
    Obrigado a todo o pessoal da logistica da pinckbuy24.Com, pelos vossos muito bons servocos!

    MozambiqueCristiano Adalberto Paipo Mavangu from , Mozambique
  • Dear Kazuya

    I received your message. It took me to answer because i still had not picked up the car in the section of customs, but already received the car on thursday, thanks.
    Still not had much time to enjoy, but i liked it.

    Sincerely, yours

    MozambiqueBasilio Alfredo Masanganhe from , Mozambique