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Dear Naka
My vehicle arrived here in port moresby on the 07th of june 2013 and was removed from the wharf on the 20th of june 13.
Its a very good vehicle and i am pleased that i have selected pick and buy.
The services you provided were very effective and efficient and i am very grateful for that.
I will definately go for pick and buy again should i need another vehicle in the future.
Thanks so much once again.Naomi Koe from , Papua New Guinea
Dear Naka
Good condition, satisfied toyota wagon.Custodio Matos Custodio from , Mozambique
Dear Naka
I received the documents and the shirt.
Very grateful for your professionalism and follow-up.
Thank you.Tomas Tembe from , Mozambique
Dear Naka
Thank you for the t shirtKilion Kilunde from , Zambia
Hi, thanks very much for the vehicle which i purchase from you.
It is in good condition my family really love it.
And also the t shirt that you send.