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Dear Kazuya
Thanks so much for your wonderful service i do really appreciated.
Regarding the vehicles we just have, they both in good condition.
Not so sure about the bongo truck because the owners already took it and we haven't heard any comments or problems about it.
Anyways, thank you for your support we will continue be at your service to purchase any vehicles we like.
Thank you,Jezerlyn Aisek from , Micronesia
Dear Kazuya
I take this time and opportunity to thank you and the entire picknbuy24 team for the for the excellent service.
I have received my nissan wingroad in lae port on 30/05/2013 in very good condition as advertised in your website.
I am very please and my wife and family are very happy.
In fact i have given the vehicle to my wife and she is very happy.
We all will get a photograph of our family together with the vehicle and will email to you.
I also received the picknbuy24 tshirt you send through dhl.
Thank you once again and we will send you a good picture as soon as we have a good picture.
Thanks and best regards.John Labim Ramoi from Madang, Papua New Guinea
Dear Naka
Like much of the appearance and we are using it with no problem.
My family is very satisfied
the car is used by my wife isabel
i wish that all your clients have the same meeting we.
RegardsJorge Dgedge from xai-xai, Mozambique
Dear Naka
I want to thank you you ar a good person i got the car from dar es salum.
The car is very nice good condition the was looking on internet i like it.
Please continue giving the good quality to other buyer.
RegardsThomas Chongo Simutowe from Kitwe, Zambia
This is kalisa, i thought my attempt of sending such amount of money to a stranger was equally like throwing the money into endless hole!
Dear friends, my ideas were actually not correct because i received my vehicle in good condition as you may see me enjoying with my vehicle in my custody.
You are all invited to picknbuy from picknbuy24.Com!
Kind regards