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Dear Rei
Thankyou very much to you and your logistic team.
I confirm that i have recieved the car with good condition & its really brilliant and i am satisfied with the car.
I really love it and its like a christmas present to me and family during this christmas season.
We will get in touch in the near future and should any of my friends need a car a will contact you.
Otherwise wishing you and your logistic team a pleasant day and a prosprous new year's celebrations.
Kind regards
Wilson Bisafo from Honiara, Solomon Islands
Dear Rei
The vehicle is superbly good and my customer is enjoying it very much.
I will contact you again for another vehicleChristina Mashiku from Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Dear Rei
Thank you so much!
I've been meaning to email you but i couldn't for a while as we recently had a typhoon pass through and our office was not operational. Everything is ok now and i'm glad the car came after the typhoon.
I actually picked up the car four days ago. It truly met my expectations. I think even higher than i expected. Wow! Thank you again for your exceptional customer services. All in all, i love the car. I love the seats, the interior, the color, everything. Even the tires, i noticed they were new. And most importantly, it drives great. Arigato gozaimsu!
There was a minor problem though but we have fixed it. When the car arrived, i think during port inspections in palau, the people who inspected the car had oil on their hands so the car had grease marks all over it. It couldn't come off with soap and water so my husband bought some stronger cleaning agents to remove them. So the car looks shiny and new now. Again, thank you very much for everything. I will definitely inform you of future purchases and will also recommend you and your company to my colleagues, family and friends.
Sincerely,Isumechraard Ngirairikl from Koror, Palau
Dear Kazuya
Thank you.
The vehicle is great and it's just as i expected.
I've tested it along with the accessories and all are great.
Thank you and except to hear from me and some others in the future.
Enjoy the seasons!Quirino Loyola from Pohnpei, Micronesia
Adorei o carro e chegou como estava previsto.
Continuem assim e parabens a equipa toda que muito fez para que este meu sonho, importar um carro com sucesso, tornou-se realidade.
Para os que ainda nao fizeram, nao exitam, a picknbuy24.Com e a escolha certa, e sao serios.