Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Naka

    Thank you very much to the picknbuy team for yet another quality delivery, the car arrived in durban and beitbridge on schedule, collected it on 18 april 2015 and have attached a few photos taken on arrival.

    ZimbabweBryan Matingwina from , Zimbabwe
    Dear Mr. Bryan Matingwina

    Hello, how are you?
    Thank you very much for your purchasing our BMW 320i and provide me nice photos.
    We are glad to hear that you have received it in well condition.

  • Dear Ines

    Excelencia !

    Primeiro agradecer vos pelo comprometimento vosso junto dos clientes, que a vos tem recorrido pelo manifesto zelando pela confianca, seguranca, honestidade, alto sentido de respeito num trabalho excelente que vossas excelencias tem realizado.Muito obrigado.

    Quero aqui manifestar a minha satisfacao por ter recebido a minha viatura adquirida na vossa empresa, o subaru forester 1999 sf5-091079 ej20-734950 petrol 1990cc black 96000km at 1360kg 12.241M3 lwh 445*173*159.

    Gostei, tanto como minha familia, amigos e colegas ficaram muito satisfeitos, mais uma vez o meu humilde obrigado, e votos de continuacao de bom trabalho.

    MozambiqueAlbino Timbana from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Albino Timbana,
    Daqui Ines da
    Li a sua mensagem e vi as fotografias com muita satisfacao.
    Fico contente por saber que toda a familia ficou feliz com o carro!
    Agora desejo uma boa conducao.

  • Dear Ines

    Howdy dear miss ines! Im doing well, thanks! I received a. The car in good conditions and i'm enjoying it with high satisfaction, as you can see in photos bellow!

    MozambiqueEnoque Ouana from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Erasmo Nhabangue

    Agradeco a sua mensagem e o envio das fotos!

    E um prazer saber que esta feliz e satisfeito com a compra.

    Estarei a sua espera para uma proxima compra.

  • Dear Miyako

    How are you? I'm ok. And, as promised, please find attached my two photos beside the vehicle i bought from you.
    It's great. Thank you very much.

    D.R. CongoDavid Chey A Ntambu Mukangwej from , D.R. Congo
    Dear Mr. David!
    Thank you so much for the nice picture!

    Always nice to see the picture of the car!!
    I really appreciate!

  • Dear Aki

    Hi! Aki here is the car. Hope you received some pictures i sent you eerier thanks for your professional work. I received the car intact.
    Regards hope to hear from you soon

    MalawiMaxwell Mandere from , Malawi
    Dear Mr.Maxwell,

    This is Aki from

    Thank you very much for your good photos!!

    I hope you have satisfied our car quality.
    Then if you need more cars in the future, Please let us know!!

    Please have safe driving!!

  • Dear Miyako

    Just let you know that i have received the vehicle and i real appreciate it. I say with a proud that was a most and great payment i have made in rest of my life.

    MozambiqueHelder Selemane from , Mozambique
    Dear Mr. Helder,

    Thank you so much for the good news!!!
    I really appreciate!

    Have a lots of fun and a safety drive with the car!!!
    Thank you so much this time!!

  • Dear Ines

    The 2002 stagea was everything i expected, and a very clean, well taken care of automobile. Many people who first look at the car assume that it is new. The process of selecting, ordering, and shipping the car were all easier than buying my last two cars in the united states, and that was with cash!!

    Saint Kitts and NevisRobert Kunferman from , Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Dear Mr. Robert Kunferman,
    Once more thank you very much for your email and for providing me the pictures!

    The car looks even better after arrival. It does really look like a brand new one.

    I hope you can enjoy the ride!

  • Dear Ines

    A viatura chegou em optimas condicoes.

    Gostei imenso de trabalhar consigo e com a sua organizacao, sao uma instituicao seria e focados na satisfacao do cliente.

    MozambiqueRaul Fabiao Chiau from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Raul Fabiao Chiau,

    Agradeco a sua mensagem e o envio da fotografia!

    Ficamos igualmente satisfeitos por nos ter escolhido e por estar feliz com o seu carro.

    Estarei aqui para uma proxima compra.

    Ate la, boa conducao!

  • Dear Ines

    Ela diz que recebeu o carro em perfeitas condicoes e gostou do trabalho e tratamento da equipe picknbuy24.

    Melhores cumprimentos

    MozambiqueAbel Sizoura from , Mozambique

    Fico feliz por saber que a Sra Judite ficou satisfeita com o compra!

    E mais ainda por ter recebido as fotografias, pois e sempre um prazer poder constatar que os clientes estao contentes.

    Desejo uma boa conducao a todos!

    Agradeco a vossa preferencia.

  • Dear Ines

    Venho por este meio agradecer-vos pelo excelente servico que prestaram. Obrigado ines e a toda equipa muito obrigado o meu carro chegou em bom estado e ja percorri 2.000 Km sem nenhum problema. Obrigado mais uma vez , sucessos nos vossos negocios.

    MozambiqueFernando Fazenda Ofice from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Fernando Fazenda Ofice,
    Agradeco o envio das fotografias prometidas!
    Fico feliz por saber que o carro ja percorreu tantos quilometros.

    Espero que percorra ainda mais.

    Agradecemos a sua preferencia pelos nossos servicos.
