Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Ines

    She just got her car in rabaul..Scholly narubo. She was very happy. Thank you all for making it possible.
    Will keep in touch for future purchase.

    Papua New GuineaOberth Fiwayeh from , Papua New Guinea
    Dear Mr. Oberth Fiwayeh

    Thank you very much for sending me the pictures you had promised!

    I am very glad to know Ms. Scholly Narubo is happy with the car.

    I hope it will be a great help in her everyday life.

    Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year for all family.

  • Dear Ines

    Ola ines, agradeco imenso pelos vossos servicos. Ja recebi a daihatsu hijet truck em perfeitas condicoes

    MozambiqueOctavio Joao Baptista from , Mozambique
    Bom dia, Sr. Octavio!

    Agradeco o envio da fotografia!

    E um prazer poder ve-lo junto da viatura que calculo seja muito util no seu dia-a-dia.

    Nesta altura do ano acredito que consiga carregar muitos presentes de Natal!

    Aproveito para desejar um Bom Natal, umas Boas Festas e um Ano 2015 cheio de sucessos.

  • Dear Ines

    Thank you very much for the vehicle.
    Me and my fiancee are very happy with the condition of the vehicle and the customer service of picknbuy.

    The vehicle is running great and quality of the vehicle is very good. We have been enjoying our rides together and we would like to say thank you for everything.
    This was our first vehicle and we are very happy about the buy.
    We didnt expect the navigation system and the player in the car so we are quite happy.

    Papua New GuineaLazaro Hemetsberger from , Papua New Guinea
    Dear Mr. Lazaro Hemetsberger
    Thank you very much for the lovely message and picture!

    It is a pleasure to know you are satisfied with the purchase.

    I hope the car comes in handy specially in Xmas time.

    Wish you and your family a nice driving and also a Merry Xmas and Happy New 2015!

    I will be here to assist you in the future.

  • Dear Ines

    Obrigada, desejo a si tambem e a todos da empresa um feliz natal e um proapero ano novo.

    MozambiqueNelvia Vasta from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Nelvia Vasta

    Agradeco a fotografia que me tinha prometido!

    E realmente o carro perfeito!

    Desejo igualmente um Feliz Natal e Bom Ano 2015 a toda a sua familia e amigos!

  • Dear Ines

    Venho por este meio manifestar a minha satisfacao em relacao a viatura que com voces pude adiquirir.
    De refirir que a viatura chegou em perfeitas condicoes conforme tinhas prometido, foi visto que a revisao feita esta em perfeitas condicoes e que me sinto muito satisfeito pelos vossos servicos de alta qualidade.
    Dizer que vossa empresa mostrou mais uma vez que e realista com os seus clientes e que realmente tem bons produtod de qualidade apesar da distancia. Amigos vizinhos e familiares, tambem gostarao muito da viatura.
    So tenho a agradecer pela vossa sinseridade e honestidade para com os seus clientes. Desta forma a vossa empresa ira progredir cada vez mais, conquistando muitas e muitas pessoa, empresas entre outras.

    MozambiqueGildo Paunde Macamo from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Gildo Macamo

    Fico muito satisfeita por saber que recebeu o carro nas melhores condicoes possiveis e que se encontra satisfeito com o nosso servico.

    Estamos aqui para isso mesmo.

    Fico a aguardar uma proxima oprotunidade.

    Ate la desejo uma boa conducao e que o carro seja muito util nesta epoca Natalicia!

  • Dear Ines

    Venho manisfestar a minha satisfacao por ter recebido o carro em mocambique, em perfeitas condicoes bem acima do esperado, muito obrigado espero poder contar com os vossos servicos nas proximas ocasioes. E muito obrigado a dona ines que facilitou o negocio por falar a lingua portuguesa.

    MozambiqueTauabo Ajuar Adange from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Tauabo Ajuar Adange,

    Agradeco o envio das fotografias prometidas!

    Ficamos muito contentes por saber que a familia se encontra satisfeita com a compra!

    Boa conducao e boas viagens!

  • Dear Ines

    Yes am doing well and really grateful for the vehicle that arrived safely and now running smoothly on the road as well. It was a good pick and am thankful to you and your team for the professionalism shown in ensuring it gets here safely and on time.

    Please find attached the photo you requested. When the right time comes, i will order another vehicle from your good company.

    Solomon IslandsElisha Paza Pitanoe from , Solomon Islands
    Dear Mr. Elisha Paza Pitanoe

    Thank you very much for your kind email and photo!

    It's a pleasure to know the car is in good shape and running.

    I will be here to assist you next time.

    Look forward to a next chance and until then, have a nice and safe driving!

  • Dear Ines

    Boa tarde, mando este e-mail so para agradecer e dizer que ja recebi o veiculo. Muito obrigada.

    MozambiqueLuisa Pombal from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Luisa Pombal,

    Agradeco a simpatia e o envio da fotografia!

    Fico tambem contente por saber que esta satisfeita com a viatura.

    Boa conducao e cumprimentos a toda a familia.

  • Dear Tyson

    Am a satisfied person and owner of the pajero, i bought from you. Its a super machine and am well satisfied with its condition.

    ZambiaStanslous Malubila from , Zambia
    Dear Mr. Stanslous Malubila,

    Thank you very much for your update and sending me nice photos.
    Your Pajero looks so cool with you. You are the very man who can drive this super machine!

  • Dear Naka

    I,m ok. I,m very happy !
    I received the nissan terrano , last two weeks and make a good experience about 2.500 Km from maputo to nampula. Whithout any problem it,s very nice vehicle, its like new machine. Im very happy with yours.
    Thank you mr naka, thank you picnbuy.

    MozambiqueNurdine Rachade Ali from , Mozambique
    Dear Mr. Nurdine Rachade Ali

    Thank you very much for your update and sending me nice photos.
    I am also glad to hear that you have received Nissan TERRANO in good condition !!

    It is one of the strongest vehicle from Nissan Car, so you can trust the potential of this car !
