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Dear Ines
I have been doing well. I hope you are also doing.
Sorry for answering you late. I was still clearing the paper work for the car.
I would like to take this chance to say thank you for the support during the transation. The car is perfect, actually i love it. I recieved it with the same condition i saw during my researches. I send you the pictures to confirm that i have recieved in perfect conditions. Once again thank you for the help.
The pick and buy team is qualified for the job they do.
Thank you.Abel Fernando Ubisse from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Abel Fernando Ubisse
Agradeco imenso o envio das fotografias!
E um prazer saber que o carro esta em bom estado e que esta a usufruir do mesmo.
Estarei aqui para uma proxima compra.
Ines -
Dear Ines
I forward a photo of myself with my car imported from pick 'n' buy company.
I found it most comfortable, reliable, convenient for users and road worthy.
I will call again to purchase my next vehicle when the time is right for me.
Thank you very much.Michael Upuwe from , Solomon Islands
Dear Mr. Michael Upuwe
Thank you very much for your kind email as always!
It's great to get your picture and know you are satisfied with car quality and our services.
I will be here for your next purchase, so don't hesitate to get back to me.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Ola ines, recebi a minha viatura hiace wagon em mesmas condicoes,mas sem componenentes completo na viatura,refiro de macaco.Desejo toda equipe da picknbuy, boas saidas 2014 e boas entrada de 2015 vces continuem com profissionalismo de qualidade.Eusebio Aidao Indiano from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Eusebio Indiano,
Mais uma vez agradeco ter partilhado o seu testemunho!
E um prazer saber que a viatura chegou em boas condicoes de funcionamento.
Infelizmente acontece roubarem as ferramentas no porto...
Desejamos igualmente um bom Natal e boas entradas neste ano que se segue.
Ines -
Dear Aki
Im very happy with this carAbubacar Paulino from , Mozambique
Dear Mr. Abubacar,
Thank you very much for your e-mail with nice photo !.
I hope you have satisfied our car quality!!!
We will supply you only good condition vehicles like you bought the STORIA!!
Aki -
Dear Ines
Estimada ines, venho por este meio manifestar a minha satisfacao de alegria por ter recebido o meu veiculo tal qual vi nas fotos antes de comprar.
Recebi o veiculo em perfeitas condicoes. Voces sao uma maravilha e com uma prestacao de servico seria e de qualidade. Confesso que serei um testemunho para os demais amigos e familiares que pretenderem comprar uma viatura.Fulgencio Como from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Fulgencio Estevao Como,
Que bela surpresa!
Agradeco o envio das fotos e do seu testemunho.
Apraz-me saber que se encontra satisfeito com o carro e com os nossos servicos.
Ines -
Dear Aki
Thanks you very much aki picknbuy24 is the best very happy with my carEvani Faumuina from , Western Samoa
Dear Mr. Evani,
Thank you very much for your e-mail with nice photo !.
I hope you have satisfied our car quality!!!
We will supply you only good condition vehicles like you bought the ALTEZZA!!
Aki -
Dear Ines
Bom dia,
informo que ja recebi a viatura.
ObrigadoNuno Manuel Baptista Matavela from , Mozambique
Caro Sr. Nuno Matavela,
Agradeco a sua mensagem!
E bom saber que a viatura ja chegou em boas condicoes.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Im so satsified with the sudan that you shiped with your team and also appreciate custom service team and shipment company.
Most of all thanks and appreciate your companys operation is based on honest and trust bases.Jack Yombi from , Papua New Guinea
Dear Mr. Jack Yombi
Thank you very much for the lovely picture!
You look great together with the car!
I am very glad to know your are satisfied with car quality and our services as well.
Ines -
Dear Ines
I received the vehicle and it is in excellent condition. I made a very long journey to test it and it came out with flying colours.
The condition of the vehicle is superb!!!
It was a pleasure doing business with you, you are very professional.
Thanx very much.Tashinga Makado from , Zimbabwe
Dear Mr. Tashinga Makado
Thank you very much for the lovely pictures! You're looking great!
I am very glad to know you are satisfied with the car quality and our services.
You are always welcomed so I will be waiting for a next opportunity.
Wish you a nice and safe driving!
Ja recebi a viatura em condicoes e estou muito feliz, impressionado com o carro, ultrapassou as minhas expectativas. A familia toda esta muito feliz. Acredito agora que a picknbuy24 oferece carros com boas condicoes. Estao de parabens
Agradeco a simpatia e o envio das fotografias!
Da gosto saber que ficou satisfeito com a compra e que toda a familia esta a disfrutar ao maximo da viatura.
Agradeco ainda o seu apoio e a sua confianca nos nossos servicos!!