Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Ines

    So far, the condition of the car is very good as i selected. A lot of my friends are admiring the cars.

    Thank you for following up on my cars and i will surely let you of my future orders.

    MicronesiaJulinida Weital from , Micronesia
    Dear Ms. Julinida Weital,

    Thank you very much for your reply!

    It's very reassuring to know the cars are in good condition.

    If your friends need some cars, don't hesitate to get back to me.

    It was a pleasure to deal with you.

  • Dear Naka

    Excellent and prompt customer service. Very satisfied with my purchase. Enjoying my vehicle and will gladly purchase again and promote your site.

    MicronesiaPhilip T. Ranganbay from , Micronesia
    Dear Mr. Philip T. Ranganbay

    Thank you very much for your updates !!
    I am very happy to hear that you have received the car in good condition and you were satisfied with it !

    This car, Nissan STEAGA is Luxury Wagon from Nissan, so it is very strong !!
    Please enjoy driving !!

  • Dear Ines

    Ja recebi o carro em boas condicoes tendo correspondido a minha expectativa.
    O vosso profissionalismo demonstrado desde o processo de aquisicao ate a descarga da mercadoria foi fantastico e inspira confianca.
    Bem haja picknbuy!

    MozambiqueMarcionila De Fatima A.Sarmento Madeira from , Mozambique
    Cara Sra Marcionila Madeira,

    Muito obrigada pela sua mensagem e pelas suas palavras.

    E uma satisfacao saber que o carro se encontra nas melhores condicoes.

    Ja sabe que estarei aqui para ajudar.

  • Dear Ines

    Nao imaginas como estou satisfeito, recebi a minha viatura tal como requisitei, linda e confortavel.

    Continuem assim a satisfazer na integra os vossos clientes em particular a mim. Espero que nos proximos pedidos seja da mesma maneira.

    MozambiqueOliva Mavoto from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Oliva Mavoto,

    E um prazer receber a sua mensagem e saber que o Harrier correspondeu as suas expectativas.

    Fique descansado pois continuaremos deste lado a fornecer carros de qualidade aos nossos clientes.

    Aguardo pelo seu proximo pedido.

  • Dear Ines

    I am very gratefull on the service and the condition of which i received my vehicle, my vehicle looks like new! The engine, the interior and exterior condition. I picked my vehicle at maputo port and drove 1,300km to beira and arrived without any problem, allow me to give a big applause to the picknbuy team, sales, mechanics and logistics dept for splendius service. I salute you!!

    MozambiqueQuefasse Chiwira from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Quefasse Chiwira,

    Que bela fotografia de familia! Fico contente por saber que estao todos satisfeitos com a compra.

    Espero que o Ford seja util e confortavel para o trabalho e para o lazer.

    Nos tambem ficamos muito agradecidos pela sua preferencia.

  • Dear Naka

    Thanks very much for the condition of the vehicle i bought recently from your company.

    The vehicle its in a good condition and it has been a good time doing business with you and i was not expecting it the way it came, because it was my first time to buy a vehicle and your company.
    Picknbuy go go gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ZambiaMisheck James Siwakwi from , Zambia
    Hi Mr. Misheck

    Thank you very much for your update with nice picture !!
    I am very happy to hear that you have received it in good condition !!

    This is Sport Type vehicle with manul transmission, so please enjoy driving !

    The rims you replaced are very good and look so nice !!

  • Dear Ines

    Noah fully in my hands and pretty enjoyable. Delighted with the physical condition of the vehicle.
    Thanks for your permanent follow up.

    MozambiqueAlberto Amaral from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Alberto Amaral,

    Agradeco o seu feedback!

    E muito bom saber que a viatura corresponde as suas expectativas.

    Volte sempre a nossa loja!

  • Dear Naka

    Thanks for doing good business. I am happy with the car. It looks great.

    ZambiaKayongo Ndala from , Zambia
    Hi Mr. Kayango

    Thank you very much for the nice photo !
    I am very glad to hear that the car is mechanically in good condition !

    This SPRINTER is one of the most popular and economical car !
    So please enjoy Driving !

  • Dear Ines

    The car has finally arrived and we were impressed with how neat it was.

    ZambiaGilbert Uzarama from , Zambia
    Dear Mr. Gilbert Uzarama,

    Thank you for sending me the photo!
    The car is really impressive and it's still shinning!
    Enjoy your driving.
    You're always welcome on our store.

  • Dear Ines

    Recebi a viatura em perfaitas condicoes e ja paguei todas imposicoes aduaneiras e a a mesma ja esta a circular nas estradas mocambicanas.
    Muito obrigado pela atencao prestada desde oinicio do processo. Espero voltar a solicitar alguns servicos.

    MozambiqueSamuel Alberto Manjate from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Samuel Alberto Manjate,

    Muito obrigada pelo seu email!

    Fico contente por saber que o carro ja chegou e esta em boas condicoes.

    Boa conducao em familia.
