Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Naka

    Thanks again. The stream arrived in excellent condition and naturally meet all my expectations. My co-workers love it and my wife also.

    Cayman IslandsEllis Burke from , Cayman Islands
    Dear Mr. Ellis Burke

    Hello, how are you
    Thank you very much for your reply with nice photo !
    I am glad to hear that you have received it in well condition and satisfied with car condition.

    This Honda STREAM "RSZ" is sporty model. So please enjoy driving !!

  • Dear Lise

    We are doing great and hope you are great too. We love the car and it is in great condition.

    BahamasMrs. And Mr. Culmer from , Bahamas

    Thank you for your message.
    This is LISE from

    Thank you very much for your feedback and picture !
    You look so fantastic on the photo with your new vehicle !
    I am happy to hear that you received your car without problem and that this is in good condition.

    Thank you again for your purchase.
    Please enjoy your new vehicle and do not hesitate to recommend our Company to your friends and family !

  • Dear Mat

    I love my car so muj. Thank you all for your help. The only thing that is not working is the stereo. And also i just found out today about the back wiper.
    When i try to on the sprinkler (water for the window so we can wipe) it's not working and i find water coming in to the floor on the driver side.
    So i'm thinking of bringing it to the shop so they can check the pipe if it's leaking.
    But other than those two. Everything is going/doing great...

    PalauAot Kloulechad from , Palau
    Dear Ms . Aot Kloulechad,
    This is Mat from, how have you been?
    Thank you very much for the nice pictures!!!
    I'm glad that you are satisfied about your vehicle.
    As for the leaking problem, I'm very sorry that we did not detect that problem here in Japan on the last inspection.
    If you need a part or help from us, please let me know.
    It's probably the small hose that goes from the washing fluid tank to the back that is cut somewhere?
    I'm looking forward to provide other vehicles to your family members.
    Please update me on the issue.

  • Dear Ines

    Yes we received our vehicle yesterday we took it for service it a good bus it will need some attention
    but a least we now know what we have.

    DominicaMarie Ann Abraham from , Dominica
    Dear Mrs. Marie Ann Abraham,
    Thank you very much for your lovely email with photos!
    What a nice guest house you guys have there!
    If I go to Dominica I will surely stay with you hehe!

  • Dear Ines

    Finalmente o meu carro ja chegou!
    Na ultima quarta-feira, dia 08/6, fui com o despachante levantar no porto :)
    por enquanto, ele ainda esta na garagem ate eu ter todos os papeis em ordem.

    Obrigada por toda a ajuda.

    MozambiqueMargareth Aragao from , Mozambique
    Bom dia, Sra Margareth Aragao!

    Fico muito contente por receber as suas noticias!

    Agora desejo mesmo que aproveite a conducao!

    O carro esta mesmo bonito.
