Customer's Voice
A Great Number of Thanks Letters

We Are Open To Your Feedback
At this time would we like to say thank you to all our happy customers who purchased our vehicles. Thank you as well to those who sent us thank you letters with photos. We are always happy to hear from you.
Meet our happy customers from around the world. Find below a great number of customer's feedback we've proudly received since 2006:

  • Dear Ines

    I'm so happy. The vehicle are in good condition and i appreciate it. Thanks a lot.

    MozambiqueMiraculoso Cossa from , Mozambique
    Caro Sr. Miraculoso Cossa
    Agradeco a sua mensagem que recebo com satisfacao!

    E bom saber que a viatura se encontra em boas condicoes e a funcionar.

    Desejo um bom trabalho e bons negocios.

  • Dear Ines

    I thought that i would have received my car after five to six weeks time but you made it very fast, approximately four weeks which is amazing.

    The condition of the car toyota mark 2 is very excellent, i really admired, enjoyed the compatibility of it and recommended others to purchase from picknbuy.24 One of the biggest used car importing company in japan.

    I'm looking forward to do business with you in the near future.

    Papua New GuineaAllan Mark from , Papua New Guinea
    Dear Mr. Allan Mark,

    Thank you for your kind photos as promised!

    It is a pleasure to see you are happy with your car.

    I am sure everyone in town will be jealous since no one will have a car like yours with leather seats.

    It is very rare even in Japan for this model.

  • Dear Lise

    This serves to inform you that the vehicle arrived safely in zambia on 12th may 2016. The little challenge was that then four tyres had cracks and needed immediate change which i did in dar es salaam. However, i wish to thank you sincerely for having done a good business transaction with you and will always consider you for future business prospects.

    ZambiaAckson Mwelwa from , Zambia

    Thank you very much for your feedback and pictures !
    I am very sorry for the tires. It did not have such cracks when it left Japan.
    We are very sorry for that and I hope we will be able to serve you better in the future.

    I am happy that you are satisfied about your new vehicle and the process !
    We want to thank you too for your purchase and we hope to help you better in the future !

  • Dear Ines

    Car is in really good shape, engine works really good, wheels and suspension are ok, paint is ok , i was a bis disappointed by the interior because the previous owner was a heavy smoker and i have some difficulties to get rid of the cigarette odor but overall it is a really good car.
    Thank you agasta co ltd for giving me such a good car i am really pleased and i will recommend anytime.

    Reunion IslandYoussoufou Nadjim from , Reunion Island
    Dear Mr.Youssoufou Nadjim,

    Thank you for your kind words and photo!

    I am glad to hear the car reached your hands safely.

    I hope you can enjoy the car to its fullest. I regret any cigarette smell inside and I hope with some car cleaner or deodorant the smoke can be eliminated.

    I wish you all the best and a good driving,

  • Dear Ines

    Thank you so much for your kindness, help and patience. I received my vehicle in very good condition. My family are very happy.
    Looking forward to hearing from the picknbuy team in the near future.

    Papua New GuineaMichael Qena from , Papua New Guinea
    Dear Mr. Michael Qena,

    Thank you so much for providing me the photo!

    I am very happy to see you are pleased with the vehicle.

    I wish all the family a good driving.
