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Dear Ines
Cordiais saudacoes, venho por este informar-vos que ja recebi a viatura. A minha satisfacao e imensuravel, e ela cinge-se essencialmente na viatura, por esta encontrar-se em melhores condicoes mecanicas e fisicas. Como fruto disto, viagei no carro num percurso de
1700 km, no troco maputo-tete, sem ter verificado nenhuma avaria. Tudo isso, esta a motivar aos meus compatriotas a optar pela vossa agencia, pra importacao de carros. Sinceros agradecimentos as equipas da picknbuy24, em especial a da logistica, pela sua eficiencia, na expectativa da minha proxima importacao dos vossos carros.
Greetings, i'm writing to inform that i got the vehicle. I'm so happy i cannot explain it with words. The vehicle is externally and mechanically in very good shape. As such, i have already travelled 1700 km from maputo to tete without experiencing any issue. This is motivating my fellow comrades to import cars through your company. I sincerely thank all the picknbuy24 teams, especially the logistic team for their efficiency. I will surely import more cars.Joel Bofana from , Mozambique
Dear Ines
Boa darde dona ines, muito obrigado pela sua colaboracao ja recebi a viatura com codicoes que estava mencionado na fatura e nas imagens da viatuara nao ouve nenhuma alteracao continue com o mesmo espirito para mais colaboracao.
De salientar que em maio irei solicitar 2 viaturas.
Good afternoon, mrs. Ines. Thank you very much for your support. I have already got the vehicle exactly as it was written on the invoice and the pictures on the website. Nothing was changed. Keep up the good work and i will come back.
In may i will be purchasing 2 more vehicles.Mario Mamba from , Mozambique
Dear Naka
I received the car in good condition. This i really appreciate i believe because of your organization's good customer care. My friends here in zambia are really admiring the car. I will definitely be recommending picknbuy24 for anyone who wants to import a vehicle.Felix Mwaba from , Zambia
Hi Mr. Felix
Hello, how are you?
Thank you very much for your update and an e-mail with nice picture !
I am also very happy to hear that you have received it in good condition and you are satisfied with it !!
This Toyota IPSUM is very good for Family use and can make good memory of your family !!
Please enjoy your car life with this nice IPSUM !
Naka -
Dear Ines
Boa tarde!
Sirvo me desta para lhe informar que foi com muita satisfacao que recebi a viatura no dia 31 de dezembro nas condicoes que apreciei atraves das imagens ilustradas no email, gostei dos servicos nao tenho motivos de queixa que continuem a servir-nos por excelencia.
Cordiais saudacoes!
Good afternoon!
I'm writing to inform you that i am very happy since i got the vehicle on december 31st and it was exactly as i saw on the pictures posted on your website. I'm pleased with your services and i don't have any complaints. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes!Alfredo Adriano from , Mozambique
Dear Aki
I am writing to let you know that i picked up the vehicle at dar es salaam and had a safe drive back home. I would like to sincerely thank the whole team at agasta company limited for a job well done and for your excellent customer service! I have recommended you to several people who might need to buy vehicles in the near future. I will definately be buying my next vehicle from you!
Always grateful!Leonard Kumwenda from , Malawi
Hello Mr.Leonard!!!
How are you!!!
Long time no talk actually!!!!
Thank you very much for your photos!!
That's looks like new car!! lol
I think you have satisfied our car quality and service!! Don't you?
Please keeping touch us!!
Of course we want supply every customer only good car!!!
Thank you very much very much for continues support!!
Aki -
Dear Ines
Boa noite ai em japao, estou muito emocionado por ter recebido o veiculo, hoje,dia 20, vindo de maputo. Abracos!
Good night in japan, i'm very excited since i got the vehicle today (20th) in maputo. Cheers!Eduardo Amade from , Mozambique
Dear Ines
Bom dia excelencia,desculpa tanta demora.Havia problema de rede e de comunicacao na cidade onde vivo,mas contudo nao me esqueci de enviar. Agradeco mas uma vez pela vossa eficiencia e gostaria de um dia conhecer a companhia da picknbuy24.Aquele abraco.
Hello good morning, sorry for my late reply. There were some network issues in my city, however i didn't forget to send the pictures. Thank you very much again for your efficiency and i would like one day to meet you all from picknbuy24. Cheers!Elidio Rafael from , Mozambique
Dear Ines
The services you give are goodNyasha Shariwa from , Zimbabwe
Dear Naka
The vehicle is finally here!! Excellent condition, very neat, cd player installed as per my request, oooppsssssss!!!! That's great! Thank you very much for your wonderful customer care services. I think from many japanese car suppliers i have purchased vehicles before, you are the best because your vehicles are serviced before shipment, truly you its picknbuy, no worries!!Mustapher Banda from , Zambia
Hi Mr. Mustapher
Thank you very much for nice pictures and comment !
I am also very happy to deal with you !!
We will try to improve our service and quality of vehicles to get more satisfaction from you, Mr. Mustapher.
Please let me know when you look for another car for your client.
Again i thanking picknbuy for selling me a good truck for my interests, because there is not the first without the second, back again for other choices.
Thank you very much for your message with nice Picture !
I am also glad to hear that you have received it in good condition and you are satisfied !!
I will keep supplying good used truck to you, so please keep in touch !