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Dear Ines
Boa tarde dona ines! Desculpe-me pela demora em dar satisfacao mas era apenas para dizer que ja recebi o carro, ja procedi o desembaraco aduaneiro. Gostei muito de ter trabalhado consigo nesse processo e acredito que poderei contactar-lhe para as proximas encomendas. Aquele abraco!
Good afternoon, mrs. In?S! Sorry for the late response but i would like to say that i got the car and i finished the clearing process. It was great to work with you over this process and i believe i will get back to you for the next orders. Cheers!Emilio Lino Raimundo Cumbane from , Mozambique
Dear Ines
Good morning dear sirs, i'm writing to thank your company for the commitment and sense of responsibility towards your customer, meaning that he is going to get the vehicle in the best of conditions. I praise your efficiency and assurance. I haven't still taken a picture but i will send within some days. Cheers and keep up the good work.
Bom dia excelencia,venho por meio agradecer a vossa companhia pelo compromisso e resposabilidade que tem dado ao cliente,na garantia de que vai receber o seu produto nas melhores condicoes. Louvar o vosso processo eficiente e com garantia. Ainda nao tive a foto,mas vou mandar dentro de dias aquele abraco e bom trabalho.
Elidio Rafael from , Mozambique
Dear Ines
I use this way to tell you that i received the vehicle and i'm very pleased with your seriousness and professionalism.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you merry christmas and prosperous new year.
Best regards
Flavio Mausse from , Mozambique
Dear Naka
Dear sir please find the picture you request.
Thank you.
Best regard.Mahmoud Sbeiti from , Tanzania
Hi Mr. Mohamed,
Thank you very much for your kind assistance and the photo!!
Really appreciate to see you there, and let?EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEfs keep in touch!!
Naka -
Dear Kazuya
I have received my vehicle and guess what? I'm the happiest man in the district because the vehicle has brought me immeasurable happiness. The quality of the vehicle is superb and everyone is admiring it. Thanks a lot for the high quality vehicle and customer service. Keep it up!Robert Zawe from , Zimbabwe
Dear Mr. Robert Zawe,
Thank you very much for your kind reply and the photo!!
Really appreciate to hear from you, and please do not hesitate to contact me anytime!
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!
Kazuya -
Dear Naka
I really want to thank you for being true to your word of putting quality first. The nissan xtrail i got was in excellent condition - exceeded my expectations by far. I highly recommend picknbuy24.Com to anyone looking for more than value for money.
Big smile on my face,!!!!Benson Ainebyona from , Uganda
Hi Mr. Benson
Thank you very much for your reply with nice picture !
I am very happy to hear that you have received the car in good condition and you satisfied.
I think you installed the Bumper Gourd on this X-TRAIL in locally, and it looks very GOOD !!
This Nissan X-TRAIL is new model SUV from Nissan, and very popular in all over the world.
It is good size engine (2,000cc) and good drive for city and rough road as well.
Please enjoy your car life with this X-TRAIL !!
Naka -
Dear Ines
Dear ines, just to tell you that the vehicle is in perfect shape and my family is very happy.
Querida ines quero imformar que recebi a viatura em perfeitas condi?Oes, e a familia ta muito feliz,Angelino Angelo Nhancale from , Mozambique
Dear Naka
Thank you very much for the vehicle. I received in a good condition and exactly i have seen in the picture.
Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate that.
Kind regards.Allan John from , Papua New Guinea
Hi Mr. Allan
Thank you very much for your reply with nice picture !!
I am happy to hear that you have received the car in good condition and were satisfied with it !
This MAZDA TITAN is very popular in your country and PNG, and very reliable.
I hope this car will support your business !!
Please keep in touch and let me know if you are interested in any vehicle in the future !
I will support your safe importing.
Naka -
Dear Kazuya
I received the car nissan avenir three days ago.It looks good and the engine is very sound. The two gear system is extremely useful, as i can use either of them at my pleasure. I admire your professional way of handling business to the satisfaction of customers like me and others. Please keep it up. This time i even found the spares kit, although some items are missing, that means are stolen. I wanted to snatch the advantage of your christmas reduced prices offer by buying my wife a small car, like nissan march, but my budget does not allow for now, may be i will try another time. Please let's keep in touch.Emil Hagamu from , Tanzania
Hi Mr. Emil,
Thank you very much for your e-mail with photo!
Really appreciate to hear from you that you received the vehicle in good condition!!
I feel sorry to hear some of the items had been stolen?EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEc
Please note we have EXTRA WARRANTY option, which we cover all the damages or stolen parts
So we strongly advise you to use the option for the next purchase!!!
Ola ines, espero que tenham passado bem o natal. Recebi o carro e estou muito satisfeito superou as minhas expectativas. O carro esta em boas condicoes tanto o interior como exterior. Muito obrigada!Para is e para a equipa da picknbuy24.Com um prospero 2014
hello, ines, i hope you all had a great xmas. I got the car and i am very happy, it was beyond what i had imagined. The car is in good shape either the interior and the exterior. Thank you very much! I wish you and picknbuy24.Com's team a happy new 2014 year.