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Dear Lise
I just want to say thank you so much for the car an i'm happy with it.
Thank you.Keston Wilson from , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Thank you very much for your picture and message ! ! !
I am very happy that you are happy with the car and satisfied !
Please enjoy driving your new car !
Lise -
Dear Lise
Many thanks for picknbuy.
I have received my car at time and it is in good conditions. My friends will request soon their own cars from picknbuy online because they've appreciated my toyota raum from picknbuy.Mumbere Juakali from , D.R. Congo
I am very happy that you are satisfied with your new vehicle !
You look great on the pictures !
Lise -
Dear Aki
Thank you very much and we really like the car and look forward to doing business with you again.Alvin Cayasso from , Cayman Islands
Dear Mr.Alvin,
This is Aki from
Thank you very much for your giving me good photos!!
You have lots of cars!
Please don?EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEft forget purchase from us the car.
I really want to deal with you again.
Aki -
Dear Ines
Thank you pickbuy my vehile already arrivedPulonga Takapu from , Tonga
Dear Mr Pulonga Takapu,
Thank you for providing us a photo.
We are very happy to see you are enjoying the car with your family.
O carro esta uma marravilha, esta em boas condicoes... E nao tem nenhum problema. Ja estou a um ano com a maquiona e nunca me criou problemas, o carro esta a corresponder!!
Daqui Ines da
Agradeco a sua simpatia no envio das fotos e fico feliz por saber que gosta do carro.
Acredito que esta a fazer sucesso!