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Dear Ines
I am very happy with my purchase on picknbuy.
Your support during all the process made it possible to have my mazda familia on my hands in very good conditions as i expected.
From 0 to 10 marks, you and picknbuy deserve 10 because of excellence on quality of your goods and services.
Valerio Matsinhe from , MozambiqueCaro Sr. Valerio Matsinhe
Obrigada pelo envio da fotografia!
E um prazer saber que esta feliz com a aquisicao.
Agradecemos todo o apoio e preferencia pelos nossos servicos.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Como esta ai no japao?
O carro ta optimo
veja uma das imagens com a dona ainda no porto
ela da nota 10
Hermano Simeao Banze from , MozambiqueBom dia, Sr. Banze!
Agradeco o envio do video!
Que alegria saber que se encontram satisfeitos com o carro!!
Boa conducao e Bom Ano Novo!
Ines -
Dear Ines
I like the car it is in very good condition
Joaquim Tovele from , MozambiqueBom dia, Sr. Joaquim!
Agradeco o envio da fotografia.
Da gosto saber que o carro chegou em bom estado.
Boa conducao e bom Ano Novo!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Thank you very much for your help, i'm loving my car , fast and efficient , got my car just in time , we will be doing business again for sure , i love the friendly customer service and all the information provided. Many thanks again ines.
Marvin Hinds from , Cayman IslandsDear Mr. Marvin D Hinds
Many thanks for the picture!
I'm glad to know the family is pleased with the purchase and that the car just got in time for Xmas.
Wish you all the best and a Happy New Year!
Ines -
Dear Aki
Thank you again for the two toyota hiace.
I wasn't in lubumbasshi our city.
I just come and find the cars at home.
They are in very good condition.
I'm satisfied with quality,communication and all.
Tshieja Kabuya from , D.R. CongoDear Mr.Tshieja,
This is Aki from
Wow!!! (^O^)
Thank you so much!!
Is that in good condition!!
I'm so happy to hear that!!
You gave me the energy to work!
Aki -
Dear Aki
I have bought may cars (over 15 cars) from different suppliers from japan over the past 3 years. This was my first purchase from picknbuy24.Com. Over the past years i have received cars with problems like, malfunctioning, missing radios, mats and power windows, but the car that i received from picknbuy24.Com was just good in every respect. It was well serviced and in good condition. I have traveled over 6000km without servicing it and it working perfectly well, which is testimony to the fact that it was indeed serviced. The good thing i liked about picknbuy24.Com is that they did not risk giving me radiation contaminated car. They actually advised me that the cars i had selected initially had failed the radiation test and they were willing to replace or refund. I opted for the former and i got a clean comparatively better car than the first selected. In addition picknbuy24.Com cars appear expensive buy the additional cost the worth much less than the additional value derived. So i smile all the way.
Andrew Musiniwa from , ZimbabweDear Mr.Andrew,
This is Aki from
Thank you very much for your message to us.
I haven't heard such good message!!
You are so touching my heart!!
Actually I got Xmas present from you!!
Thank you very much!
Aki -
Dear Ines
Bom dia ja recebi o carro adorei esta muito lindo e em boas condicoes
muito obrigado valeu me muito ter esperado 60 dias a espera de uma viatura bonita e em bom estado.
Ivailo Mahumane from , MozambiqueSr. Ivailo,
Agradeco a fotografia!
Muito prazer em recebe-la!
Agradeco a mensagem e fico muito contente em saber!
Boas viagens em familia e ja agora, Bom Natal e Feliz Ano Novo!
Ines -
Dear Naka
Thank you for your customer services on our recent purchase of the nissan caravan van. We are pleased with our purchased and the unit was well received and meets our expectation.
Philip Ranganbay from , MicronesiaHi Mr. Philip T. Ranganbay
Thank you very much for your update with nice photo !!
I am so glad to hear that you received the car in good condition.
Please keep in touch and let me know when you look for another car !
Naka -
Dear Ines
She just got her car in rabaul..Scholly narubo. She was very happy. Thank you all for making it possible.
Will keep in touch for future purchase.
Oberth Fiwayeh from , Papua New GuineaDear Mr. Oberth Fiwayeh
Thank you very much for sending me the pictures you had promised!
I am very glad to know Ms. Scholly Narubo is happy with the car.
I hope it will be a great help in her everyday life.
Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year for all family.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Ola ines, agradeco imenso pelos vossos servicos. Ja recebi a daihatsu hijet truck em perfeitas condicoes
Octavio Joao Baptista from , MozambiqueBom dia, Sr. Octavio!
Agradeco o envio da fotografia!
E um prazer poder ve-lo junto da viatura que calculo seja muito util no seu dia-a-dia.
Nesta altura do ano acredito que consiga carregar muitos presentes de Natal!
Aproveito para desejar um Bom Natal, umas Boas Festas e um Ano 2015 cheio de sucessos.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Thank you very much for the vehicle.
Me and my fiancee are very happy with the condition of the vehicle and the customer service of picknbuy.
The vehicle is running great and quality of the vehicle is very good. We have been enjoying our rides together and we would like to say thank you for everything.
This was our first vehicle and we are very happy about the buy.
We didnt expect the navigation system and the player in the car so we are quite happy.
Lazaro Hemetsberger from , Papua New GuineaDear Mr. Lazaro Hemetsberger
Thank you very much for the lovely message and picture!
It is a pleasure to know you are satisfied with the purchase.
I hope the car comes in handy specially in Xmas time.
Wish you and your family a nice driving and also a Merry Xmas and Happy New 2015!
I will be here to assist you in the future.
Ines -
Dear Ines
Obrigada, desejo a si tambem e a todos da empresa um feliz natal e um proapero ano novo.
Nelvia Vasta from , MozambiqueCara Sra Nelvia Vasta
Agradeco a fotografia que me tinha prometido!
E realmente o carro perfeito!
Desejo igualmente um Feliz Natal e Bom Ano 2015 a toda a sua familia e amigos!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Venho por este meio manifestar a minha satisfacao em relacao a viatura que com voces pude adiquirir.
De refirir que a viatura chegou em perfeitas condicoes conforme tinhas prometido, foi visto que a revisao feita esta em perfeitas condicoes e que me sinto muito satisfeito pelos vossos servicos de alta qualidade.
Dizer que vossa empresa mostrou mais uma vez que e realista com os seus clientes e que realmente tem bons produtod de qualidade apesar da distancia. Amigos vizinhos e familiares, tambem gostarao muito da viatura.
So tenho a agradecer pela vossa sinseridade e honestidade para com os seus clientes. Desta forma a vossa empresa ira progredir cada vez mais, conquistando muitas e muitas pessoa, empresas entre outras.
Gildo Paunde Macamo from , MozambiqueCaro Sr. Gildo Macamo
Fico muito satisfeita por saber que recebeu o carro nas melhores condicoes possiveis e que se encontra satisfeito com o nosso servico.
Estamos aqui para isso mesmo.
Fico a aguardar uma proxima oprotunidade.
Ate la desejo uma boa conducao e que o carro seja muito util nesta epoca Natalicia!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Venho manisfestar a minha satisfacao por ter recebido o carro em mocambique, em perfeitas condicoes bem acima do esperado, muito obrigado espero poder contar com os vossos servicos nas proximas ocasioes. E muito obrigado a dona ines que facilitou o negocio por falar a lingua portuguesa.
Tauabo Ajuar Adange from , MozambiqueCaro Sr. Tauabo Ajuar Adange,
Agradeco o envio das fotografias prometidas!
Ficamos muito contentes por saber que a familia se encontra satisfeita com a compra!
Boa conducao e boas viagens!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Yes am doing well and really grateful for the vehicle that arrived safely and now running smoothly on the road as well. It was a good pick and am thankful to you and your team for the professionalism shown in ensuring it gets here safely and on time.
Please find attached the photo you requested. When the right time comes, i will order another vehicle from your good company.
Elisha Paza Pitanoe from , Solomon IslandsDear Mr. Elisha Paza Pitanoe
Thank you very much for your kind email and photo!
It's a pleasure to know the car is in good shape and running.
I will be here to assist you next time.
Look forward to a next chance and until then, have a nice and safe driving!
Ines -
Dear Ines
Boa tarde, mando este e-mail so para agradecer e dizer que ja recebi o veiculo. Muito obrigada.
Luisa Pombal from , MozambiqueCara Sra Luisa Pombal,
Agradeco a simpatia e o envio da fotografia!
Fico tambem contente por saber que esta satisfeita com a viatura.
Boa conducao e cumprimentos a toda a familia.
Ines -
Dear Tyson
Am a satisfied person and owner of the pajero, i bought from you. Its a super machine and am well satisfied with its condition.
Stanslous Malubila from , ZambiaDear Mr. Stanslous Malubila,
Thank you very much for your update and sending me nice photos.
Your Pajero looks so cool with you. You are the very man who can drive this super machine!
Tyson -
Dear Naka
I,m ok. I,m very happy !
I received the nissan terrano , last two weeks and make a good experience about 2.500 Km from maputo to nampula. Whithout any problem it,s very nice vehicle, its like new machine. Im very happy with yours.
Thank you mr naka, thank you picnbuy.
Nurdine Rachade Ali from , MozambiqueDear Mr. Nurdine Rachade Ali
Thank you very much for your update and sending me nice photos.
I am also glad to hear that you have received Nissan TERRANO in good condition !!
It is one of the strongest vehicle from Nissan Car, so you can trust the potential of this car !
Naka -
Dear Ines
Ja recebi a viatura em condicoes e estou muito feliz, impressionado com o carro, ultrapassou as minhas expectativas. A familia toda esta muito feliz. Acredito agora que a picknbuy24 oferece carros com boas condicoes. Estao de parabens
Sinezio Lazaro from , MozambiqueBom dia, Sr. Sinezio!
Agradeco a simpatia e o envio das fotografias!
Da gosto saber que ficou satisfeito com a compra e que toda a familia esta a disfrutar ao maximo da viatura.
Agradeco ainda o seu apoio e a sua confianca nos nossos servicos!!
Ola ines!Espero que esteja passando bem junto a toda equipe da picknbuy pois deste lado vou indo bem e feliz pela viatura que comprei na vossa empresa.Obrigado pelo vossos servicos,o bom atendimento,a eficacia e eficiencia...Obrigado por me ajudar a realizar o meu sonho,o sonho de ter um carro em boas condicoes...Fecho o ano em grande estilo gracas a voces...Abracos caloroso a toda equipe em especial a ti ines pelo profissionalismo
Abdulgafuro Antonio from , Mozambique
Agradeco as fotografias cheias de estilo!
Ficamos todos contentes por saber que gosta do carro.
Desejo um Bom Ano Novo a bordo da maquina!